team leadership


The Ability To Take A Team To The Next Level Requires The Same Amount Of Work And Dedication To Develop As Any Other Professional Skill

A Personalized Approach

Unlocking your employees’ or team’s potential takes finesse and quick adaptation.

Simply dictating roles and responsibilities is counterproductive when trying to create enthusiasm and build confidence.

True leadership inspires others by establishing an efficient, focused atmosphere and leading by example.

The modern business world calls for leaders willing to go beyond basic management techniques and truly engage team members in the task at hand.

Taking a team to the next level requires the same amount of work and dedication to develop as any other professional skill. Lorna utilizes multiple leadership event types to facilitate team and leadership development, such as; workshops, off-site gatherings, and retreats.

Teams will understand how to better function as a whole, overcome obstacles by using strategic planning and goal setting, apply gap analysis techniques to team and leadership growth, and more.

Event Structure and Tools

Every event is customized to match a group’s specific aims and objectives. The development tools used include:

  • Personal 360-Degree Feedback
    These evaluations allow for proper development planning. Outside perspectives give a clearer picture when mapping team development paths.
  • Gallup StrengthsFinder
    Perfect for self-assessment, this tool takes a positive outlook by highlighting a team member’s strengths and attributes. The “talent themes” give the member a unique look at what they bring to the group and areas they may excel in.
  • “Five Dysfunctions of a Team”
    The best-seller authored by Patrick Lencioni offers insight into organizational politics and common mistakes within a team. Per the title, the main topics include trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. From this framework, leadership teams can better analyze and interpret past experiences and understand how to improve performance in the future.
  • Personal Resources
    Lorna Rein’s extensive experience in business consulting and personal improvement greatly informs her approach to custom development events. All aspects of business coaching—evaluation, analysis, motivation—have influenced the techniques and activities employed. Every team and each member are unique and necessitate an equally specialized selection of tools and resources.

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